On this page you will find assets taken from the live site and prepared for use on this new site.
- Featured Images
- Banners (wide but really think; good for in content usage)
- PDFs (newsletters)
- Photos
Featured/Header Images
Name: feat-aerial1
Name: feat-aerial2
Name: feat-bay
Name: feat-billboard
Name: feat-boywindow
Name: feat-cab
Name: feat-car
Name: feat-child
Name: feat-children
Name: feat-familyb
Name: feat-feeding
Name: feat-flags
Name: feat-girls
Name: feat-girls2
Name: feat-hospital
Name: feat-kid
Name: feat-kidcancer
Name: feat-kids
Name: feat-mater
Name: feat-meal
Name: feat-mombaby2
Name: feat-mombaby3
Name: feat-ocean
Name: feat-pip
Name: feat-smile
Name: feat-staff_2
Name: feat-staff
Name: feat-vamily
Name: feat-worker
Banners Below
Note these are not as tall as the featured images above. Provided in this orientation
Name: bnr-art
Name: bnr-car
Name: bnr-losP
Name: bnr-map
Name: bnr-mombaby
Name: bnr-palm
Name: bnr-script
Name: bnr-sign
Name: bnr-street
Name: bnr-toon
Newsletter PDFs (4)
Salvaged from the live server
Other Photos